What is most effective vs miners?
I guess that is pretty difficult to tell. You can use scouts early in the game (even late in the game). You can use Ints (have low signature, can boost and deal out a large amount of damage), Enh., Adv. Figs are very nice for miner killing, too.
Sfs have the advantages of high scanrange and speed, but their disadvantages are: bad ship agility, low hit points, no boost and energy based weapons (although this can be an advantage for long time missions).
It is pretty easy to kill miners with SFs, even for the newbie. To kill a miner with an int, you need more experience. You need to know, where miners go to and which way they normally travel (elephanthead is a great miner killer in an int, fear him)...
Battlehawk, you are right, there is lot of bitching going on. But this can be understood, if you look at the time people have been playing Allegiance. I played it for 2 years now, I know the game by heart. I expect the same from the other players, but as soon as I realize I got newbies on my team, I ask them, if they need any help. I even give Bombers to newbies from time to time (when I am commanding).
I know, it is difficult to play Allegiance, I saw how Merrit first started, it made me laugh out loudly.
But I really expect newbies to read the chat. The chat is the most important thing in the game. If they don't follow the chat, they never learn.
Another problem are the different orders they get. önu, ödo, ödm, öac... Und so weiter. Need Scouts, Defend Bombers, Defend Miners, Attack Constructors. What are they supposed to do now?
I asked two fighters to defend the miners, while they followed our bomber. I told them why, I did not use any swear words, I did not use any abbreviations, yet they did not listen.
Ok, I do accept that, for newbies it is not obvious, that bombers don't need fighter escorts, this is a standard mission in all other Space simulators (Wing Commander). Then I started to defend the miners (in the second game), well, sometimes I had help by one or two pilots, usually I was alone. It is so damn frustrating to see miners die, because noone else helped you against an onslaught of two or three sfs...
I still love the game, it is the best out there and I will keep on bringing newbies in. I like newbies
Bierfuizl, I'd like to remind you, no swearing. Read the rules. No personal insults. Keep it calm, even when it is hard to remain friendly... (Serebrone, our nice bomber pilot, nearly pushed me over the edge...)